SHOP RE-OPENING! COVID19 safety rules to follow...

We are looking forward to seeing you all!

But as we all know, there are certain rules that need to be followed to ensure the safety of our customers and our staff which is paramount to us...

Please remember the NEW opening times of 10am - 4:30pm

We will allow a maximum of 3 families in the shop at a time with a maximum of 3 people from each household... If you are able to shop alone, please try to do so to limit numbers.

As only 3 households at a time will be in the shop, please be aware that there may be queue's at peak times... We will do our hardest to keep this to a minimum!

As you enter the shop, you will be asked to sanitise your hands at the hand sanitiser station to ensure clean hands, please also try not to touch anything you are not planning on buying...

Remember to maintain a distance of 2 metres from those not in your household. There are distinct markers on the floor to remind you of this, keeping you and your family safe! The floor markers will also lead you round our new ONE WAY system which is to be followed at all times!

Riding hat fits, body protection fits and boot fits will be undertaken very carefully. Staff will wear a mask, gloves and visor and customers will also be asked to wear a mask and gloves to keep safe.

Our toilet and changing room is staying closed for the time being to ensure cleanliness and safety.

Returns will be allowed! But the stock will not be put back out before 72 hours have passed, ensuring safety!

Finally, card payments are preferred as this is the safest way to pay in these unprecedented times...


We are really looking forward to the shop re-opening and for you all to be able to browse again!

We have been working hard behind the scenes to make the shop a safe place for our staff and customers...

In return, we just ask you as the customers to follow the guidelines in place to ensure the safety of yourselves and our staff.

If you do not want to visit the shop in person, we still offer our CLICK and COLLECT service for local customers and our ONLINE ordering service for those not local to the shop!




13th June 2020
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