Sliding Weymouth Bit Set
Sliding Weymouth Bit Set it gives a relatively mild curb action. The sliding cheek passes through the mouthpiece and allows the same principle of action as a gag. With strong contact to the curb rein attached to the lower ring, the mouthpiece is eased up the cheek of the bit as far as the slot will allow - the longer the space between the top and bottom of the slot (neck) of the cheek, the greater...
Cheltenham Gag
Cheltenham Gag a traditional cheltenham gag, jointed mouthpiece on havana leather runner sides. The cheltenham gag has holes in the eggbutt cheeks to accept a gag cheek. The gag cheek is a type of extended cheek piece that passes through the holes in the gag bit, with a ring at the base for the reins to fasten to, as opposed to the cheek pieces attaching directly to the bit ring as usual. Gags work...
Pelham Coscoquero Roller Mouth Bit
Pelham Coscoquero Roller Mouth Bit the coscoquero pelham is a high ported pelham with a central copper wheel in the middle. The Coscoquero if useful for horses that try to get their tongue over the bit or lean, and can also have the action of raising the horses head. Pelham bits are designed to be used with two reins, the 'snaffle' rein on the larger ring which should have a constant contact,...
Pelham Swales 3 in 1 Bit
Pelham Swales 3 in 1 Bit the Swales Pelham bit is suitable for strong horses that are inclined to lean down. It is not suitable for a Novice rider or horse that does not fully understand the aids. It is extremely popular bit with the showing and driving fraternity and is often used in other disciplines for faster work on an experienced horse that is over enthusiastic. This is the only Pelham that removes...
Fixed Weymouth Bit Set
Fixed Weymouth Bit Set the mouth is of medium thickness affording reasonable baring surface on the tongue and bars. The fixed cheeks give a positive action and the mouthpiece cannot move up the cheek so the vice like action of sliding mouth is removed. It acts on the corners of the lips, tongue, bars, chin groove and poll. The bridle head is attached to the loops at the top of the cheek and the reins...
Pelham Mullen Mouth Bit
Pelham Mullen Mouth Bit the mullen mouth pelham is one of the most basic pelhams, and preferable to the more popular hard rubber or vulcanite pelhams for horses with a large tongue or small mouth. The curved mullen mouth of this pelham bit gives space for the tongue, with no collapse on the bars and no real palate pressure. Pelhams are designed to be used with two reins, the 'snaffle' rein on the larger...
Pelham Jointed Rugby Bit
Pelham Jointed Rugby Bit the Rugby Pelham is widely used in showing as an alternative to the Weymouth and bradoon. It gives the look of a double bridle as this bit has to be used with a double bridle which has an extra bradoon head slip, as you would have with a Weymouth and Bradoon, this bit also has to worn with two reins. The Rugby Pelham has an extra loose ring which is connected by a link on the...
Flexi Stirrup Irons
Flexi Stirrup Irons are a bestselling stirrup iron at Townfields Saddlers. Features flexi side arms to help with the riding position and giving leg aids to the horse. The flexi iron can feel slightly less rigid than the normal stirrup iron making them more forgiving on the human joints. They are a normal weight so falling into position if a stirrup is lost is the same as other traditional non lightweight...
Pelham Jointed Bit
Pelham Jointed Bit the nutcracker action of the joint makes it far stronger than would be the case with a Mullen or Cambridge mouth. Useful for forward going types. Use either with 2 reins or roundings and 1 rein, for less curb action.
Kimblewick Slotted Bit
Kimblewick Slotted Bit similar to the true Kimblewick with a Cambridge mouth, but instead of plain wire D's on the cheek, it has flat ones with slots. The object being to give a fixed rein action - the top slot is snaffle only and the lower slot curb only. In the curb position the bit becomes a strong one and should never be used by children or the inexperienced, but in the snaffle postition it is...
Pelham Hard Rubber Bit
Pelham Hard Rubber Bit the hard rubber pelham is about the most popular variety of pelham, and the modern alternative to the vulcanite pelhams. The hard rubber coating softens the action of the curved mullen mouth of this pelham bit giving space for the tongue, with no collapse on the bars and no real palate pressure. Hard rubber pelhams are best suited to horse that have enough space for a large mouthpiece...
Pelham Cambridge Mouth
Pelham Cambridge Mouth
Kimblewick Plain Bit
Kimblewick Plain Bit a pelham with a difference as it uses only a single rein attached to the large D cheek. With the hands held normally the action is that of a snaffle and with them held low, or with adoption of a running martingale, the action is that of a curb. The true Kimblewick has a Cambridge mouth - a low port and a plain mouthpiece. The cheeks are hinged and do not slide. It acts on the lips,...
Full Cheek Breaking Bit
Full Cheek Breaking Bit the mouthing bit with players is the traditional breaking in bit, normally a rubber type bit is introduced first and then a mouthing bit would be replaced, the jointed mouthing bit has 2 joints, which means the pressure of the bit is distributed over both the tongue and bars of the mouth. Because the mouthpiece has two joints, it shouldn't cause any interference with the roof...
Pelham Waterford Bit
Pelham Waterford Bit the pelham uses a variety of pressures, which all in all seem to work together to prove a very useful bit. Basically the Pelham is an incorporation of the Weymouth and bradoon, and should theoretically be used with 2 reins. the first rein is attached to the snaffle rein, and the second rein attached to the ring at the bottom of the shank, when the first rein is used the Pelham...
Pelham French Link Rugby Bit
Pelham French Link Rugby Bit the Rugby Pelham is widely used in showing as an alternative to the Weymouth and bradoon. It gives the look of a double bridle as this bit has to be used with a double bridle which has an extra bradoon head slip, as you would have with a Weymouth and Bradoon, this bit also has to be worn with two reins. The Rugby Pelham has an extra loose ring which is connected by a link...
Pelham Soft Rubber Flexi Bit
Pelham Soft Rubber Flexi Bit the flexible rubber mouth moulds around the horses mouth, giving this pelham the slightly reduced curb action of a jointed pelham, but with a far milder action in the mouth. Flexible rubber pelhams are best suited to horse that have enough space for a large mouthpiece and are ideal for novice riders using a stronger bit for the first time as the mouth is mild. Pelhams are...
Full Cheek Copper Roller Bit
Full Cheek Copper Roller Bit the rollers may help if your horse tends to lean on the bit and or set their jaw, as the rollers are movable so they are not easy to get a grip of. They also encourage mouthing as it gives them something to play with. The full cheek sides aid with steering and control.
Loose Ring Cherry Roller Snaffle Bit
Loose Ring Cherry Roller Snaffle Bit a bit ideally used on larger horses with big mouths and plenty of room for a bit. The cherry roller helps with horses that attempt to put their tongue over, or take hold of the bit between their teeth. It can also help with horses that lean as the rollers encourage the bit to roll further into the horses mouth, and being a fairly thick bit is quite kind to the bars.
Loose Ring Magennis Snaffle Bit
Loose Ring Magennis Snaffle Bit is made from stainless steel using the investment cast lost wax method, and inset with copper rollers to enhance palatability. The loose ring magennis snaffle is similar in action to the loose ring snaffle except, the square mouthpiece is sharper on the horses bars, and the copper rollers help to prevent the horse from crossing its jaw as an evasion to the riders aids.
Sweet Iron Copper Ring Pelham Bit
Sweet Iron Copper Ring Pelham Bit this pelham works on the poll, corners, bars, tongue and chin groove. This bit will assist control but the jointed mouthpiece will lessen the nutcracker action. The copper and sweet iron inlaid parts and rings will encourage the horse to be softer. Sweet iron bits are designed to oxidise to produce a sweet taste which helps with mouthing. The addition of copper inserts...
Full Cheek Waterford Bit
Full Cheek Waterford Bit this full cheek bit has a chain type mouthpiece which has ball shaped links linked together, the bit is floppy and mobile in everyway, it is completely movable in all directions. The Waterford mouthpiece has proved one of the most popular bits for bitting problems such as leaning, taking hold of the bit, setting the jaw etc, when the horse tries to lean or take hold of the...
Blue Sweet Iron Universal Lozenge Horse Bit
Blue Sweet Iron Universal Lozenge Horse Bit a new addition here at Townfields. The blue sweet iron universal is suitable for forward going types with a slight poll action and leverage when the rein is placed on the bottom ring. The lozenge centre has no nutcracker action so kinder to the horse. Blue sweet iron bits are a warmer metal and along with the brass alloy lozenge this will help the horse to...
Pelham French Link Bit
Pelham French Link Bit the french link mouthpiece lays across the horses tongue, relieving the nutcracker action and preventing palate pressure. The broken mouthpiece of the french link can effect the way the curb comes into play and lessen the direct action of the curb, but putting more pressure on the bars of the mouth and possibly the palate. Pelham bits are designed to be used with two reins, the...
Blue Sweet Iron Hanging Cheek Lozenge Horse Bit
Blue Sweet Iron Hanging Cheek Lozenge Horse Bit a new addition to our range of bits at Townfields, a useful bit to give a small amount of poll pressure. This bit aids with control by applying a light pressure on the poll to encourage a lower head carriage whilst still being a snaffle. Blue sweet iron bits are a warmer metal and along with the brass alloy lozenge this will help the horse to salivate...
D Copper Roller Bit
D Copper Roller Bit is often used for horses that need something stronger than a jointed bit because they lean or try to grab the bit. The alternating stainless steel and copper rollers set along the mouthpiece of the snaffle, allow the bit to roll up the mouth, and help to prevent the horses from grabbing it between the teeth. The jointed mouthpiece of the copper roll D cheek gives a nutcracker action...
Blue Sweet Iron Loose Ring Lozenge Horse Bit
Blue Sweet Iron Loose Ring Lozenge Horse Bit a new addition to the bit range at Townfields the blue sweet iron loose ring is a useful training bit, kind to the mouth and without the nutcracker action of a jointed bit it can help them to stay more settled. The double joint is often favoured by horses as the lack of palette pressure makes the bit more comfortable and relieves pressure on the horses bars....
Blue Sweet Iron Tom Thumb Lozenge Horse Bit
Blue Sweet Iron Tom Thumb Lozenge Horse Bit a popular bit amongst showjumpers or owners of forward going types being similar in action to an American gag but without the action of the mouthpiece being raised up in the horses mouth. The neat shank of the Blue Tom Thumb bit gives leverage and encourages the horse to keep his carriage lower as well as providing brakes. The combination of blue sweet iron...
Hackamore German Rubber Bit
Hackamore German Rubber Bit rubber nose hackamores are ideal for use on sensitive or difficult horses and work by applying pressure on the nose, jaw and poll. Used carefully they can be very effective. Sometimes used if your horse has problems with bitting or maybe a sore mouth for various reasons, effectively you are riding in a bitless bridle but with the arch of the side shank giving you the leverage...
Fillis Stirrup Irons
Fillis Stirrup Irons a good quality stirrup iron at Townfields Saddlers. Stainless steel irons complete with fillis treads with a slightly heavier feel than a traditional stirrup iron. These irons can help to fall into position again after losing your stirrup and look and feel very similar to the Stubben irons. These stirrup irons are sold complete with treads as standard.
Loose Ring Lozenge Snaffle Brass Alloy
Loose Ring Lozenge Snaffle Brass Alloy this is a kind loose ring lozenge bit with a sweetie shape centre. Ideal for schooling withouth the nutcracker action. The loose rings discourages the horse from leaning on the bit whilst the lozenge softens the contact. A very popular schooling bit which is kind on the mouth and not too chunky in style, a slightly warmer in the mouth bit made from brass alloy...
Blue Sweet Iron Loop Ring Lozenge Horse Bit
Blue Sweet Iron Loop Ring Lozenge Horse Bit a new addition to the Townfields range, this loop ring blue wilkie style snaffle bit is a very popular bit for ponies or horses in need of a little extra brakes. The loop ring show snaffle has an action similar to a continental, utilising pressure on the poll and raising the bit in the horses mouth to achieve additional control without resorting to a stronger...
Eggbutt French Snaffle Bit
Eggbutt French Snaffle Bit this french link eggbutt snaffle is made from stainless steel using the investment cast, lost wax method for the highest quality finish. The french link is often confused with the Dr Bristol as both have a plate in the middle, but the french link snaffle is at the mild end of the bitting spectrum. The centre plate in a french link eggbutt is shaped and lies flat on the horses...
Bent Safety Stirrup Irons
Bent Safety Stirrup Irons are a popular item at Townfields Saddlers. Quality shaped stainless steel stirrup irons for easy release of the foot in a fall. One side of this stirrup iron is curved in shape giving that easier access for the foot to be withdrawn from the iron in the event of a fall. A stirrup tread can be fitted into these for extra grip. Take a look at our helpful size guide.
Fulmer Snaffle Bit
Fulmer Snaffle Bit a full cheek, eggbutt side plain snaffle with loose wire rings. This bit is excellent for schooling and has a nice thickness of mouth. The long cheeks prevent the bit being pulled through the mouth and the eggbutt sides protect the corners of the mouth, while the loose rings give more play to the mouth and encourages the horse to mouth and therefore keep a moist mouth that is responsive....
Full Cheek French Bit
Full Cheek French Bit this is an eggbutt sided, full ball cheek snaffle, with a double jointed mouthpiece connected by a flat plate, that removes the nutcracker action of a single joint. The eggbutt sides give a cushioned effect to the sides of the mouth prevent pinching or chaffing; while the full cheeks ensure that the mouthpiece remains central in the mouth and cannot be pulled through. They also...
Pelham Globe
Pelham Globe The globe pelham is a very popular bit for showing ponies in. Unlike other pelhams, the globe pelham is only used with a single pair of reins, making it ideal for children to use. This pelham is small and neat in appearance, with a short shank and fixed cheek.
Stirrup Irons
Stirrup Irons are a bestseller at Townfields Saddlers. These stainless steel stirrup irons are the traditional plain iron good quality irons used by most riders all over the world. They are sold in various sizes from juniors to adult sizes. A stirrup tread can simply be fitted into this stirrup iron for extra grip. Take a look at our size guide to help you purchase the correct size.
Show Jump Waterford 3 Ring Bit
Show Jump Waterford Bit the Continental Gag should be worn with 2 reins preferably or a rounding; the first rein should be used on the snaffle ring, which is the first ring adjacent to the mouthpiece. When the first rein is attached to the snaffle rein it is used just like a loose ring hanging cheek bit, which uses poll pressure and lip pressure due to the sliding loose ring also applies various pressures...
D Rubber Jointed Bit
D Rubber Jointed Bit this rubber covered jointed snaffle is a fairly mild bit, often seen on young horses, particularly racehorses. The D cheek rubber covered jointed snaffle is a useful bit for green horses, as the flat cheek helps to prevent the bit from being dragged through the horses mouth. This D cheek snaffle has a rubber covered jointed mouthpiece which cushions the effect of the nutcracker...
Pelham Show
Pelham Show The Loose ring show pelham is widely used in showing as an alternative to the Weymouth and Bradoon, it is a neat looking bit, a popular bit for the showing fraternity. ... The Pelham bit is often used for horses that prove to strong in a snaffle, the leverage of the cheeks with the curb chain give a bit more action.
Peacock Safety Stirrup Irons
Peacock Safety Stirrup Irons are a bestselling stirrup iron at Townfields Saddlers especially for junior riders. Quality stainless steel irons with a rubber ring attachment which allows the foot to be released easily in a fall. These stirrup irons start from small sizes to cater for toddlers up to adults and a tread can simply be added for that extra grip. It is recommended to buy some spare leathers...
Show Jump Waterford 2 Ring
Show Jump Waterford 2 Ring the Continental Gag should be worn with 2 reins preferably; the first rein should be used on the snaffle ring, which is the first ring adjacent to the mouthpiece. When the first rein is attached to the snaffle rein it is used just like a loose ring hanging cheek bit, which uses poll pressure and lip pressure due to the sliding loose ring also applies various pressures in...
Hanging Cheek Eggbutt Bit
Hanging Cheek Eggbutt Bit uses pressure on the poll as the cheek piece has an extra ring above the snaffle ring where the bridle cheek pieces are attached to. This poll pressure encourages the horse to lower the head and come on to the bit especially useful for horses that have a high head carriage. The single joint puts pressure on the sides of the tongue, on the lips and on the bars due to the nutcracker....
Hanging Cheek Waterford Bit
Hanging Cheek Waterford Bit the Filet Baucher is also known as the Hanging Cheek, it uses pressure on the poll as the cheek piece has an extra ring above the snaffle ring where the bridle cheek pieces are attached to, this poll pressure encourages the horse to lower the head and come on to the bit especially useful for horses that have a high head carriage. This bit has a chain type mouthpiece which...
Full Cheek Eggbutt Bit
Full Cheek Eggbutt Bit an eggbutt sided ball, full cheek plain snaffle, which differs only in its action from a Fulmer in so that the D ring gives a more direct action and eliminates some of the play of the mouth. Acts on the corners of the mouth, which are cushioned by the eggbutt sides; the tongue with a single joint nutcracker action, and the bars, with pressure on the outside of the face for guidance.
Hanging Cheek Mullen Bit
Hanging Cheek Mullen Bit this hanging cheek mullen mouth snaffle is also sometimes known as a half cheek or filet baucher snaffle bit. The cheek of a hanging cheek bit is similar to the top section of a pelham, and exerts a little poll pressure which can help reluctant horses to break at the poll and flex more readily. The mullen mouth filet baucher has a curved mouthpiece with no nutcracker action,...
Loose Ring Breaking Snaffle Bit
Loose Ring Breaking Snaffle Bit the loose ring mouthing bits are a bit used to mouth young horses. The straight solid mouthpiece is smooth one side, and ridged the other and can be used either way around. The ridged side acts more on the bars, so it is far more usual to start youngsters off with the kinder, smooth side against the bars of the mouth. In the centre of the mouthing bit, there is a set...
Loop Ring Waterford Bit
Loop Ring Waterford Bit this loop ring wilkie style waterford bit is a very popular bit for ponies in need of extra brakes. The wilkie snaffle has an action similar to a continental, utilising pressure on the poll and raising the bit in the horses mouth to achieve additional control. The loop ring applies this action but to a milder degree, and with a much neater cheek, which is why it has found such...
Fulmer French Link Snaffle Bit
Fulmer French Link Snaffle Bit a full cheek, eggbutt side plain snaffle with loose rings. This bit is excellent for schooling and has a nice thickness of mouth. The long cheeks prevent the bit being pulled through the mouth and the eggbutt sides protect the corners of the mouth, while the loose rings give more play to the mouth and encourages the horse to mouth and therefore keep a moist mouth that...
Buckley Bits
Buckley Bits based in Northampton have been supplying quality stainless steel horse bits, stirrup irons and horse essentials for many years. All the horse bits are carefully made and engineered to a high standard. From the latest blue sweet iron bits to snaffles, eggbutts, full cheeks and pelhams, Buckley Bits offer a marvellous choice for the horse owner.
Always keeping fresh with current bitting trends browse Buckley Bits at Townfields for all the essentials you need.